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Halal Phone ™ – Be Smart … Be Halal

Halal Technologies launched its flagship culturally aware solution, halalPhone™. HalalPhone©, a free Android App, is a smart phone without pornography, drugs, or violence. It has nothing to do with food! HalalPhone™ users can’t send or receive, emails or text messages (SMSs) which include pornography, drugs or violence; users can’t send or receive facebook messages with pornography, violence, or drugs. The same goes for browsing the Internet, watching YouTube videos, and using WhatsApp, and more. HalalPhone™ is now available at the Google Play store, go get it, it’s free.

“HalalPhone™ is all about ‘ being polite’, and culturally aware computation,” says Dr. Yahya Al-Salqan, Halal Technologies CEO. “For the first time, smart phones become culturally aware devices. What could be suitable in one culture may not be as such in another culture. HalalPhone™ comes to address this issue in the Islamic culture.”

Using halalPhone™ puts the user in the halal mode which comes with default applications managed by the halal mode: SMS, emails, WhatsApp, Facebook Messengers, YouTube, and Internet Browser. Users can also manage the applications that are controlled by the halal mode.

Parents are often concerned about their children using smart phones, and some are overprotective and could prevent their children from using smart phones. P™ comes to address this issue. Give your child a smart phone, give him/her a halaPhone™. “Be Smart … be Halal”.

“HalalPhone is not only for children and teens, it suits all ages” says Hiba Shaheen, halalPhone marketing manager. “It is good for all those who want to limit the spread of violence or drugs.”

HalalPhone is ready to be used in smart phones and tablets. Go into halal mode and give your child the shared tablet at home, let him/her use it enjoy the peace of mind. They are protected by the halal mode. You can add their favorite games and applications to halal mode. You can block additional Internet sites if you find them violent or culturally unacceptable. Keep those smart phones and tablets in your palms, keep benefiting from the world of the internet, and let halal mode protect your beloved ones.

HalalPhone is Halal Technologies’ first application and solution. “People now are buying their phones as consumers based on CPU, memory, screen size, and battery life, but with halalPhone™ we want people to also care about their culture” Said Shaheen. Enjoy halalPhone and protect your family and loved ones. For more information on halalPhone™ and Halal Technologies™, visit